Privacy Policy

ARTRAGE INC Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 18 September 2023.

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with any specific collection statements that we've created for the collection of Personal Information from our customers and other stakeholders.


The websites:

and other websites owned or controlled by us (the “Website”) and the FRINGE WORLD Festival App for iPhone and Android (the “App”) are operated and maintained by ARTRAGE INC, a not-for-profit incorporated association [ABN: 90 649 491 963]. When we refer to ‘you’ we mean the user and/or browser of the website and/or app and where applicable those persons, organisations or companies registering, participating in or attending an event and/or venue for the FRINGE WORLD Festival or ARTRAGE Projects or from or about whom we otherwise collect personal information as contemplated by this Privacy Policy.

Our principal place of business is at 616 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA, 6000. You can email us at The main telephone number for our office is (08) 9227 6288.

Statement of commitment

The purpose of this document is to outline how ARTRAGE INC complies with privacy obligations as required under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in that Act. ARTRAGE INC provides this Privacy Policy to anyone who asks for it in an open and transparent manner so that you can make informed decisions about your dealings with us.

As an organisation, one of our principal concerns is the welfare of our customers, participants, and stakeholders. A high level of trust and confidentiality is required to ensure the confidence of our customers, participants, and other stakeholders.

We are committed to respecting your right to privacy and the protection of your Personal Information. In doing so, we aim to ensure that:

  • your privacy will be protected when accessing our services or visiting our premises;
  • you can access your personal information for review on request; 
  • the personal information collected about you and retained in our records is correct, up-to-date and safe;
  • you are informed of how and when we collect your personal information, as well as what we may use your information for; and
  • you are aware of how to raise any privacy concerns with us.

Personal Information

"Personal Information" is information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

If the Personal Information we collect includes sensitive information, including health information and biometric information, we will ask for your consent to collect sensitive information, unless the law allows us to collect it without your consent.

Personal Information collected and held by ARTRAGE INC

The types of Personal Information we may collect about you will depend upon the nature of our interaction with you. The types of Personal Information we collect most commonly are set out below, but this is not an exhaustive list and we may otherwise collect personal information including in your dealings with us.

Users of ARTRAGE INC's websites and App and attendees at FRINGE World Festival or ARTRAGE Projects

You can visit ARTRAGE INC’s websites and app to browse without the need to disclose any personal information. We do, however, require you to supply certain personal details when you register with us or make a purchase from the website or app, in order to process your transaction and/or fulfil your order.

To make a purchase on our websites or app, you will need to create an account with a password. You are responsible for the security of your password.

The kind of personal information that we collect will vary depending on our interaction with you but may include:

  • name;
  • adress;
  • email address;
  • mobile number;
  • feedback / comments;
  • transaction details relating to any purchase(s) that you have made with us or that have been made on your behalf;
  • any user account and/or event detail preferences that you select;
  • attendance at events you have purchased tickets to;
  • any other personal information which may be required to facilitate your dealings with us;
  • any information that you disclose to us via direct email;
  • bank or card details to carry out a payment or refund;
  • where applicable, accessibility requirements that you provide to us to help facilitate your experience at one our events (this constitutes health information);
  • publicly available information from your social media accounts and profiles; and
  • other information as contemplated by this Privacy Policy.

Users of the FRINGE WORLD Festival app will have the option to enable location services and to receive push notifications. If the user chooses to enable location services, this will enable the app to collect and record information about the user and their device's geographic location, which will enable them to use features that benefit from that location information such as “sessions starting soon near you.”

We may also ask you for information when you enter a competition or promotion sponsored by us and if you report a problem with our websites.

For system administration and to report aggregate information about users’ website browsing actions and patterns (from which users cannot be identified), we may also collect information about the device on which you are using the websites or app, including where available, your IP address, operating system, browser type and mobile network information.

We may require you to submit some Personal Information when you leave an event review on the Website and by leaving a review you consent to this review being used for marketing and promotional purposes.

Event and venue registration information collected by ARTRAGE INC

If you are a participating artist, venue or participant with the FRINGE WORLD Festival or ARTRAGE Projects, we will also collect and process any Personal Information supplied by you for the purpose of the presentation of your event. For the FRINGE WORLD Festival this includes information collected through the Artist Venue Registration (AVR) system website ( and via email communication.

Some examples of specific information we collect are as follows:
if you are registering as the presenter, venue manager or participant your contact details including name, phone number, email and address to communicate with you about your registration;

  • your ABN, company name, bank account and GST status details for settlement;
  • details about your event and/or venue;
  • the details of participants/staff who are nominated for a FRINGE WORLD Festival Pass;
  • an image of you and other participants/staff for identification purposes for an ARTRAGE Managed Venue Pass;
  • demographic related questions for statistical and aggregated reporting purposes; and
  • health information:
  • if you are a participant, there may instances where third party first aid officers or venue officers contracted by ARTRAGE INC, may need to collect health information about you to enable a health service or care to be provided to you; and/or
  • if you have any specific accessibility requirements that need accommodating.

How ARTRAGE INC collects and records Personal Information about you

When collecting Personal Information from you, we may collect in various ways including:

  • when you create a Customer User account on our websites or app;
  • when you make a purchase or book complimentary tickets through our websites;
  • when you make a donation;
  • when you purchase merchandise or a gift voucher;
  • if you are allocated a complimentary ticket;
  • when you subscribe to our mailing lists and/or e-news;
  • when you request information from us;
  • when you complete one of our surveys;
  • when you have accessibility requirements that you provide to us on the website, via email, phone or at a box office to help facilitate your experience at one our events;
  • when you visit our websites, which use cookies to gather information. These cookies help you to maximise functionality of our websites, and are detailed in the ‘Cookies, Tracking and Advertising’ section of this Privacy Policy document;
  • when you create a Participant, Presenter, Media or Venue Manager account at the Artist Venue Registration (AVR) website (;
  • when you apply for a FRINGE WORLD Festival Pass; and
  • when the barcode from your ticket is scanned at one of our venues.

We may collect this information directly from you unless:

  • it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so, or
  • in the case of your participation as part of the FRINGE WORLD Festival or an ARTRAGE Project, we may collect this information from the Presenter or Venue responsible for the registration of the event or venue.

Please note that you can purchase event tickets at an ARTRAGE INC Box Office without providing any Personal Information. Please advise Box Office staff if you do not wish to supply your details when purchasing. Please note; if the event is changed or cancelled, ARTRAGE INC will not be able to get in touch with you if no details are provided. If an event is cancelled and we do not have your details, you will need to contact ARTRAGE INC to supply your bank details before a refund can be processed. For some purchases an email address will also be required (e.g a FRINGE WORLD Friends subscription).

How ARTRAGE INC stores, retains and protects your Personal Information

ARTRAGE INC may hold your Personal Information in electronic or hard copy format or a combination of both. This Personal Information may be combined or linked with other information held about you, including information that we receive from third parties. We have taken physical, electronic and procedural steps to protect your Personal Information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

When you opt in to receive e-news from ARTRAGE Inc, your Personal Information is stored in Mailchimp (a third party software tool that we use for managing our mailing lists and sending information such as e-newsletters).

When you are making a purchase through one of our websites or the app we will store your Personal Information (including, for the avoidance of doubt, your payment details) under your account for any future transactions made by you.

All data relating to payment transactions conducted through our websites and app are encrypted and handled directly by our third-party ticketing provider and our payment providers. Your payment details will be stored by our payment processing provider in the form of an encrypted token and processed by our payment processing provider only where you purchase tickets and/or goods. You can choose to remove any stored payment details from the app or websites, at any time, by removing your card in the “My Saved Cards” section of our websites. You can choose to remove a saved card from your customer account at any time. If you have a customer account for multiple ARTRAGE INC websites (e.g. FRINGE WORLD Festival, ARTRAGE website and Rooftop Movies) then you will need to login to each website and remove your saved card from each account.

The token containing your payment details remains (in its encrypted format) within our payment processing provider's secure network, in compliance with data protection legislation and any other applicable laws, regulations or standards, until it expires (cancellation or expiration of card) as dictated by the payment processing provider. Your payment details (on the Website or App) are stored as a secure encrypted token within the payment processing system for the purpose of ‘one-click’ payment processing. Payment details stored for the purpose of ‘one-click’ purchasing on our Websites or App are processed by staff or suppliers in its encrypted format only and it is not possible for any staff or supplier to revert tokens back to live data. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Websites or App; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Some banks/payment card providers require you to enter your 3-digit CVC/CVV when making a transaction with a saved card and others do not. This will depend on your individual bank/card provider.

For certain Personal Information including information in our CRM or that we collect and use for ticketing, ARTRAGE INC protects the Personal Information it collects in secure databases stored by our third-party ticketing and CRM providers. It is in a proprietary data format, which can only be read using proprietary tools.

Any data requests from ARTRAGE INC to our third-party ticketing and CRM providers is stored on ARTRAGE INC’s intranet server, which is protected, secure and is unreachable by the internet.

Our ticketing provider, CRM provider and ARTRAGE INC employ firewalls, intrusion detection systems and virus scanning tools to protect against unauthorised persons and viruses from entering our systems.

ARTRAGE INC employees are required, as a condition of their employment, to treat Personal Information held by ARTRAGE INC as confidential, and to maintain the confidentiality of that Personal Information. They are also required to sign in and use a password when accessing ARTRAGE INC systems and to undertake training about how to manage Personal Information.

ARTRAGE INC stores personal information indefinitely, or until such time as you request for it to be removed.

How ARTRAGE INC may use Personal Information

We use the Personal Information we collect about you for our business functions and activities, in order to operate our business efficiently, and to market our products and services for the benefit of our customers. This is primarily for the performance of a contract between us, or in anticipation of entering into a contract with us, e.g. to provide you with products and services that you have asked for. However, this also includes obligations arising out of our service agreements with our third party service providers.

More specifically, we collect, hold and use Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • carrying out our obligations arising from contracts entered into between you and us;
  • providing services you rely on from our Websites and our App, such as interactive features of our Websites or App, when you choose to do so;
  • to ensure that content from the Websites and App is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer, mobile telephone and/or handheld device;
  • to provide you with marketing updates and communications relating to products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you (including content and advertising tailored to your interests), but only where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes;
  • to notify you about changes to our service that may affect you;
  • to maintain and keep updated the Websites, and the App (including by viewing any personal data held on the Websites and/or App in respect of you) and to transfer and process that information for the purpose of organising, co-ordinating, advertising and marketing our events. From time to time, we rely on third party suppliers to perform these activities on our behalf;
  • for purchasers including but not limited to tickets, gift vouchers, subscriptions, donations and merchandise;

    (i) to provide you with an order confirmation email. This may also be your e-ticket for entry into an event;
    (ii) to contact you with information about your purchase e.g. to let you know further details about an event you have purchased tickets for or to notify you if the event is cancelled;
    (iii) to use your name on a door list for managing entry into an event;
    (iv) for fulfilling orders including sending a digital gift voucher to the chosen recipient;
    (v) to complete financial transactions e.g. with credit card companies;
    (vi) to compile data on the preferences, needs and behaviours of attendees of ARTRAGE INC events to improve future services, experiences and programming;
    (vii) to allow us to search for and process changes to your purchase / order (within the boundaries of our Terms & Conditions). In the situation where you contact us (in person, by email or by telephone) requesting that we update, modify, refund or exchange your order, we will use your personal information to access your order, assess the situation and where applicable make changes to your order. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies throughout our interactions with you in these situations; and
    (viii) ARTRAGE notes that when purchasing tickets or the FRINGE WORLD Festival app, the option "I would like to receive emails from Artists/Presenters of these events" will be pre-ticked. If it is ticked when you complete the transaction, Artists/Presenters will be able to download your name and email so they can use it for marketing and promotional purposes. If you wish for your email to not be passed onto the Artist/Presenter for the event/s you are purchasing tickets for, untick this box during the checkout process;
  • to identify and communicate with you;
  • to manage and administer an account you may hold with us;
  • to investigate, review, mitigate risks associated with, and inform you of, a data or other security breach involving your Personal Information;
  • to comply with our statutory and legal obligations;
  • to respond to any queries or complaints you may have;
  • for other people’s information that you provide to us:

    (i) if you provide Personal Information to us about someone else (such as a family member or friend) you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that Personal Information to us;
    (ii) you should take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual concerned is aware of the various matters detailed in this Privacy Policy, including our identity, how to contact us, our purposes for collecting the information, our information disclosure practices, the individual's right to obtain access to the information and to have it corrected, and the consequences for the individual if the information is not provided;
  • for registrations of an event or a venue in the FRINGE WORLD Festival or ARTRAGE Projects:

    (i) to contact you about all matters relevant to your event and/or venue presented;
    (ii) where your details are stored on the system and you are linked to a particular organisation, venue or event, the administrators of that organisation, venue or event may be able to see your name and contact details. If a Presenter or Venue Manager grants read/write access to another user, the full details of the venue or event registration will be viewable in AVR. This includes bank details and agreement acceptance;
    (iii) if you opt your venue (or only specific spaces of your venue) into joining the Venue Finder system, all pertinent details relating to your venue and spaces will be searchable in the Venue Finder system by all users of AVR;
    (iv) if you opt your event into joining the Event Finder system, all pertinent details relating to your event will be searchable in the Event Finder system by all users of AVR;
    (v) if your name and contact details have been identified as a public contact associated with a venue, these may be displayed publicly on our websites/app;
    (vi) if you have been identified as a contact for a particular event, your name and contact details may be used in event and venue proofs. The Presenter details and the person nominated as the publicity contact for an event will be displayed in the AVR media portal for accredited media personnel to contact;
    (vii) if you have been registered as a participant or staff member for an event or venue you may be contacted regarding the event/venue;
    (viii) if you complete a FRINGE WORLD Festival Pass Application, you will have the option of answering additional questions that are used for reporting to sponsors and funders; and
    (ix) when creating an AVR account, you can opt in to join the AVR Network. Being part of the AVR network will allow other FRINGE WORLD Festival Presenters/Venue Managers/Participants to search your email and add you as a participant/staff to their venue or event.

If you do not provide us with your information, we may not be able to provide services to you. We will let you know about this at the appropriate time.

We may aggregate Personal Information for reporting, statistical and analysis purposes, and for business, product and service improvement purposes. This allows us to better inform ourselves and anticipate our customers' preferences and requirements, and to monitor and improve the effectiveness of our business, products and services. We may also de-identify information for inclusion in such aggregated databases or reports.

We reserve the right at all times to monitor, review, retain, and/or disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, but we have no obligation to monitor the use of the Website or to retain the content of any user session.

You consent to us using your Personal Information in the above ways and as set out in this Privacy Policy.

We may otherwise collect, use or disclose your Personal Information where the collection, use or disclosure is:

  • in accordance with this Privacy Policy or any agreement you enter into with us, or
  • required or authorised by law, including without limitation the APPs under the Privacy Act.

If we have relied on your consent to collect or use your Personal Information for a specific purpose, you may withdraw your consent to our future use of your Personal Information at any time by emailing

When ARTRAGE INC may disclose your Personal Information

ARTRAGE INC may disclose, or provide access to, your Personal Information to third parties in connection with the purposes described in paragraph 7. Depending on the circumstances, we may also disclose your Personal Information to third parties that provide services to us or through us.

We may also disclose your Personal Information to:

  • your nominated representatives;
  • third party contractors and service providers who help us operate our business or provide a service to you;
  • professional service provides and advisors who perform functions on our behalf such as lawyers;
  • medical providers including but not limited to medical and rehabilitation practitioners for assessing insurance claims;
  • representatives, agents or contractors who, for example, help us send out our mail/email, operate our ticketing and registration platforms, provide us with fraud prevention services, maintain our website, and perform data analysis to group demographic attributes of individuals;
  • relevant ARTRAGE Front of House staff and/or to venues/artists/staff to accommodate any specific accessibility requirements at that venue;
  • Artists/Presenters of events for which you purchase tickets from where you do not un-tick "I would like to receive emails from Artists/Presenters of these events" during the checkout. ARTRAGE INC discloses your personal information to such organisations, so they may choose to provide you with promotional and marketing material about their future events by email. You may change your preference to receive email marketing at any time directly with the organisations which have obtained your information;
  • the Presenter details and the person nominated as the publicity contact for an event will be displayed in the AVR media portal for accredited media personnel to contact; and
  • our Website host or software application providers in certain limited circumstances, for example when our Website experiences a technical problem or to ensure that it operates in an effective and secure manner.

 Interstate and Overseas disclosures

Some of your Personal Information may be disclosed, transferred, stored, processed or used overseas by us and our third party service providers. This may happen because:

  • our ticketing provider is based overseas;
  • the Presenters of the event you are attending are an interstate or overseas company;
  • the Presenters of the event you are attending outsource certain activities overseas;
  • we or the Presenters of the event you are attending have computer systems and IT servers located overseas; or
  • the Venue you are attending is interstate or overseas.

You consent to the collection, use, storage, and processing of your Personal Information outside of Australia as set out in this Privacy Policy.

In particular, your Personal Information may be disclosed to third parties in countries in which they operate, including but not limited to the UK and USA, and where their or our computer systems may be located from time to time, where it may be used for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. In these circumstances, you consent to the collection, use, storage and processing of your Personal Information in those countries, without us being responsible under the Privacy Act for such use (or for any breach). Where such parties are located overseas, you may have rights to enforce such parties' compliance with applicable data protection laws, but you might not have recourse against those parties under the Australian Privacy Act in relation to how those parties treat your Personal Information].

Other uses and disclosures

We may collect, use and disclose your Personal Information for other purposes not listed in this Privacy Policy. If we do so, we will seek to make it known to you at the time we collect or use your Personal Information.

Written correspondence

We may preserve the content of any direct correspondence via e-mail, social media or other form of written correspondence you send us if we believe we have a legal requirement to do so or are otherwise permitted to do so under the Privacy Act.

Any email or social media messages that we keep may be monitored by us for troubleshooting or maintenance purposes or if any form of written abuse is suspected.

Electronic direct marketing and research

ARTRAGE INC may use Personal Information about you for marketing and research purposes. However, you can manage your ARTRAGE INC communication preferences in a number of ways, e.g. within your online user account if you are an online customer; or by contacting In addition, the marketing communications that we send to you will also contain information on how to unsubscribe from those communications.

Cookies, tracking and advertising

For each visitor to our website, our server automatically recognises and stores the visitor's IP address.

In addition, our websites use cookies. Cookies are small text files that are transferred to a user's computer hard drive by a website for the purpose of storing information about a user's identity, browser type or website visiting patterns. Cookies may be used on our Website to monitor web traffic, for example the time of visit, pages visited and some system information about the type of computer being used. To enhance your experience when using our websites, these cookies may automatically collect information from you such as your postcode, preferences, region and sign in username.

If you use the 'Remember Me' feature during the user account 'sign in' process, the cookies will also store your sign in username.

Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies. However, if you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to either prompt or refuse cookies. Note that rejecting cookies will disable your browser from purchasing tickets from our websites.

We also use cookies for measuring, collecting, analysing and reporting data from our website. This allows us to better understand our users and among other things improve the layout and functionality of our websites. This tracking is conducted in such a way to ensure the anonymity of visitors.

Sometimes our websites contain links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. When you access a non-ARTRAGE INC website, please understand that ARTRAGE INC is not responsible for the privacy practices of those external sites. We suggest that you review the privacy policies of each site you visit.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to help analyse how you use our Website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated is used to create reports about the use of our Website. Google will store this information.

Specifically, we utilise Google advertising cookies features such as Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. For further information about this, we suggest you refer to the privacy policies of Google Analytics ( You can also use this browser add-on to opt-out of Google Analytics (

Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel and Facebook Custom Audiences

Our website utilises the Conversion Tracking Pixel service of Facebook Inc ( This tool allows us to follow the actions of users after they are redirected to our Website by clicking on a Facebook advertisement. We are thus able to record the efficacy of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes. The collected data remains anonymous. This means that we cannot see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data is saved and processed by Facebook. Facebook is able to connect the data with your Facebook account and use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook's Data Use Policy found under Facebook Conversion Tracking also allows Facebook and its partners to show you advertisements on and outside Facebook. In addition, a cookie will be saved onto your computer/device for these purposes.

We also allow embedding of Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixels on our website by relevant events and venues on their respective event and venue webpages.

Our website also utilises the Custom Audience Tool from Facebook Inc ( We use Facebook Custom Audiences to deliver advertisements to Website Visitors on Facebook based on email addresses that we have collected. You may learn more about Facebook Custom Audiences by visiting

We may display interest-based ads to you when you are using Facebook through this tool, allowing us to personalise our ads based on your shopping experience with us. The tool lets us convert your email address to a unique number that Facebook uses to match to unique numbers Facebook generates from email addresses of its users. We do not otherwise share any of your Personal Information, including your shopping history, with Facebook. Please click here if you would like to revoke your permission for such use:

Compliance with the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme

Should ARTRAGE INC experience a Notifiable Data Breach as per the legal requirements of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017, ARTRAGE INC may need to provide notice to affected individuals as well as to the Australian Information Commissioner as outlined in the Act. Information regarding ARTRAGE INC’s obligations under the Act, can be accessed here:

Social Media

ARTRAGE INC takes no responsibility for any Personal Information you may post on any of ARTRAGE INC’s social media sites including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yelp and Instagram. Any information or content created by you that is in the public domain may be collected, used and shared by ARTRAGE INC. This may include, but is not limited to, publicly accessible information on social media sites, blogs, forums and websites. ARTRAGE INC will endeavour to credit content creators wherever possible.

Keeping your Personal Information up to date

We take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up to date whenever we collect, use or disclose it.

If you think any of the Personal Information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, you can manage your information we have stored by logging into your online accounts if you have an online customer or promoter user account. Otherwise, please contact us and we will take reasonable steps to correct the information.

Accessing your personal data and how to make a complaint

Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you have a right to request access to the Personal Information that ARTRAGE INC holds about you and seek its correction.

If you have a login account, you can access or correct some of your Personal Information by logging onto our websites.

If you do not have a login account, please email Please include your contact details such as email address and telephone number. We may ask for a copy of a form of identification such as a current driver's licence or passport to verify your identity and check that your access and correction request is legitimate.

There are certain situations under the APPs where we may refuse to correct or provide you with access to your Personal Information, but we will always let you know in writing if this is the case.

If you believe that ARTRAGE INC has breached one of the APPs, or a registered APP code that binds ARTRAGE INC, please send this complaint in writing using the details below. We will investigate your queries and privacy complaints within a reasonable period of time depending on the complexity of the complaint.

We will notify you of the outcome of our investigation. Please direct any correspondence regarding your access request or complaint to:

Post: 89 Melbourne Street, Northbridge WA 6003

Review of this Privacy Policy

ARTRAGE INC undertakes an annual review of this Privacy Policy to allow for necessary updates, additions and/or changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy can be found on our websites or by contacting the ARTRAGE INC.

We may amend the Privacy Policy at our sole discretion. If you continue to use the websites, app or interact with us after receiving notice from us of such an amendment, you agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy as amended.

Further Information

If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, please contact ARTRAGE INC by email